Monday, January 20, 2020

Animal testing Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Use of animals for Laboratory Testing There has been an on going debate on whether to use animals for laboratory testing. There are people now saying the use of animals in laboratory testing is not necessary and there are other alternatives. Many of these people claim the tests that are performed on the animals are not particularly valid. On the other hand, others claim that laboratory testing has been depended on animals to achieve medical advances. Whether or not the use of animals in laboratory test is a matter of opinion. It will take the necessary investigation and consideration to figure out what needs to be done. Taking a closer look at each issue will help to show the use of laboratory testing should not be used. There are three issues that show the use of animals in laboratory testing should not be used: cruel, unnecessary, and there are other alternatives. The most obvious issue not to use animals in laboratory testing is it’s cruel to animals. Animals used in the labatories are used for testing drugs, vaccines, and consumer products. Million of innocent animals die each year to determine the safety of products for humans. â€Å"To my mind life of the lamb is no less precious that that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of the lamb for the sake of the human body. I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man† (Vincent 13). There are 2.5 million an...

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